National Rail Enquiries

March 27, 2010

If you are a regular train user you will really appreciate the train iPhone app from the National Rail Enquiries. Sure you could browse their website through a normal web browser but the app is so much slicker to user.

Within the app there is a journey planner, a favorite stations feature and favorite journeys. You can see the live progress of a train so no excuses for not knowing where you are when you are calling a loved one to come pick you up in the middle of winter and it is dark outside the carriage.

The killer part of the app is the ‘next train home’ feature – it figures out where you are, your nearest train station and where you are headed and tells you the next train to get; perfect if you brain is a little squify later on a Friday night and you need to get home.

The App is £4.99 and available from the Apple itunes store.


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